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Is This Love?



 Is love that lasts for a lifetime
            better or worse  than..
love that lasts for a minute.

For in that minute, that special
            moment....two souls can connect

Is it love when two hearts collide
            but circumstances parlayed by destiny
                        keep them apart, wondering.

Is love an illusion, always only in the mind
            of each, playing roles, having needs
                        which they try to play out for the other.

Is passion the true test of love?.........And,
            when that is gone.....what is the test
                        that continues the trust.

Is it committment then, that's the test of true love,
            the working on relationships, caring
                        with  tenderness of wants, needs.

Is true love determined by unearthly
            boundaries, karmic ties, pulling one
                        to the other only for lessons.

Is it in the act of communication, an act
            of sharing in love, an action
                        requiring conserderation towards
            expanding that love.

Is it love.......when your thoughts are
            continually taken up by the other
                        ........and nothing will satisfy
                   that longing..
And when that newness wears off.........
            what then is love?

Is there such a thing as true love, for...
            if there is, then there would also
                        have to be false love.....and
Who or what determines the difference?

And, is there really any love imagined,
            or real.........that is more magical
                        more wonderful than the other?
            I wonder.........

Is this love?



Kay Ekwall©1999

Index of Poems, Songs and Short Stories


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Web Design and poetry copyright by Kay E. Ekwall 2009, use only by permission by request