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 My Memory Album


Perched upon the edges of time,
  billowing clouds of nostalgia
      overcome me.
Poignant memories of peaceful days,
   of innocence, of blindness...perhaps,
    slide stealthily into my mind.
Memories of children laughing, playing,
     bright Christmas mornings,
       eggnog and pumpkin bread.
Tables laden with extravagant
   and delectable morsels
    tantalizing my taste buds
        .....even now.
Faces so dear and long since gone
    come out of the mist to me
       and say........love.
Precious, tender moments spent,
    in loving you.....loving me.
Lovingly, I close my album of memories,
  sadly perhaps, but glad to have had them,
    open to creations of a new future
not yet dreamed of........and I smile.



Kay Ekwall©1999


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Web Design and poetry copyright by Kay E. Ekwall 2009, use only by permission by request