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  Sometimes I Wonder...


 Pausing in my day to reflect,
                .........to wonder
on how painful it is to be seperated
                      from one you love,
and if, the pain.........is worth
           the few moments in time
                                     you shared
in wonderment of your love.

 And, for awhile......the scent of
           their being stil lingers,
sustaining you ..knowing, that
             someone held you, as you
wanted to be held......
         someone kissed you, as you
wanted to be kissed.......but then
           that too fades, and in its' place
a memory of what was.............
              ........and now isn't...
and there is the dull pain of
              remembering, and ...wanting..

sometimes I wonder.......



                                Kay Ekwall
                                  copyright l999


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