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We Weren't Supposed To....



It was supposed to be a great joy
          to have you in my life,
                    and you, for me in yours.
We were meant to meet in the moment
          to touch souls, to learn to trust
                    for our healing...
                              not for....forever.
The master weaver took a thread
          one  from your blanket
                    and one from mine
and wove each into our
          tapestries, intermingling
                    our patterns, shifting.
I heard your voice calling my name
          and I answered, kindred spirits
                    you said...and I agreed.
We laughed, we played,
          we opened our hearts a little
                    bit more......our spirits
danced to our special songs
And then the time came for us
          to part....we felt the seperation
                    and the loss....and missed the joy
and knew this time was past, our pattern
But we weren't supposed to fall in love
          and we weren't supposed to cry.



Kay Ekwall©1999

Index of Poems, Songs and Short Stories

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Web Design and poetry copyright by Kay E. Ekwall 2009, use only by permission by request